Inta [C] Minlag burials | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Inta [C] Minlag burials



Date of burial
Show Map
Komi Republic, Inta urban district, Inta, 26-28 Mir Street
Access in a populated area
Public transport
On foot
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Camp (prison) burial ground
Current use
Commercial use
Ceremonial events
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Фотография 2009 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал» (СПб.)
Фотография 2009 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал» (СПб.)

In the 1940s the burial ground of Intalag lay outside Inta settlement in the wooded tundra. Prisoners from the commandant’s camp outpost No. 1 were buried there in the early 1940s; after 1948 it became the burial ground for female prisoners from division 4 and male prisoners from division 6 of Minlag. In 1940-1950 the area was also occasionally used for civilian burials.

By the end of the 1950s all grave-markers had disappeared and by 1979 only external indications of the burials remained: mounds and characteristic areas of subsidence. In the 1980s building of residential buildings began and human remains were repeatedly found during construction work. In August 1990 the Inta Memorial society erected a monument “To the victims of Stalinism” in the courtyard of residential blocks at Nos 26 and 28 on Mir Street on the site of the cemetery.

Books of Remembrance

Information about some deceased Gulag inmates can be found in Memorial’s Victims of Political Terror database with its 3 million entries, or in the Open List database (“Victims of Political Repression in the USSR, 1917-1991”).

Repentance: the Komi Republic Martyrology of the Victims of Mass Political Repression (11 vols. 1998-2016), includes biographical entries on 52,785 who were sent to the camps in Komi, of whom 10,364 died there. As the Memorial online database (2021) shows, the region’s Book of Remembrance does not specify where they died and were buried.

DateNature of ceremoniesOrganiser or responsible personParticipantsFrequency
30 October
Remembrance Day for the Victims of Political Repression
Inta town administration, Inta Museum
Inta administration, town inhabitants
Annual event
Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
not preserved
not determined
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Inta urban district administration
Sources and bibliography

[ original texts and hyperlinks ]

N.A. Morozov, Special camps of the USSR MVD in the Komi region, 1948-1954, Syktyvkar, 1998 (156 pp)

L.N. Malofeyevskaya, The town on the Bolshaya Inta river, Syktyvkar, 2004

Reply No.09/8359 of 25 June 2014 from the Inta urban district administration to a formal enquiry by RIC Memorial (St Petersburg)
