Vokvad NE ss [C]* Forced settlers | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Vokvad NE ss [C]* Forced settlers



Date of burial
Show Map
Komi republic, Koigorodsky district, Vokvad (non-existent)
Access outside a populated area
Private or specialised transport
On foot
Accessible via the Sysola river, and then on foot.
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Deportees’ graveyard
Current use
Ceremonial events
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Фотография 2010 года
Фотография 2010 года

The Vokvad special settlement in the Sysolsky (later Koigorodsky) district of the Komi Republic was created in 1930 by dekulakized peasant families, expelled from the Arkhangelsk and Vologda Regions and from the Volga. In February 1940, a group of deported Polish citizens (“military settlers”, about 20 people) were brought there, followed in June that year by a group of Polish Jews (“refugees”, about 300 people).

The forced settlers who died in Vokvad were buried in individual graves in a cemetery in the woods one km from the village. According to other sources, the cemetery was at first located 500 metres to the south of Vokvad; then the land was ploughed up and the new cemetery was located on the banks of the Vad lake. The settlement was closed in 1974.

In 2001, descendants of the inhabitants of the Vokvad special settlement erected a metal commemorative cross with a memorial plaque in the cemetery.

Books of Remembrance

Repentance: the Komi Republic Martyrology of the Victims of Mass Political Repression (11 vols. 1998-2016), includes biographical entries on over 57,000 who were deported to special settlements in Komi.

Тhe Memorial online database (2021) lists 1,516 individuals who from 1930 onwards were deported to Vokvad or were subsequently born there; it names 67 who died there.

DateNature of ceremoniesOrganiser or responsible personParticipantsFrequency
Commemorative visit (2-3 days)
Former Vokvad deportees
Descendants of those deported to Vokvad
Annual event
Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
Burial mounds and subsidence, individual headboards
not established
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Koigorodsky district administration
Sources and bibliography

[ original texts and URLs ]

T. Chugayeva, “A candle floats on the water”, Respublika (Syktyvkar), 31 July 2010

Reingold Bikhert, “Grandma’s prayers have protected me all my life”, Respublika (Syktyvkar), 25 January 2013

“Memory has no statute of limitation”, Novaya zhizn, 8 September 2014 [retrieved on 28 December 2024]
