Shudog NE ss* Forced settlers & Lokchimlag | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Shudog NE ss* Forced settlers & Lokchimlag



Date of burial
Show Map
Komi Republic, Kortkeross district, Shudog (non-existent)
Access outside a populated area
Private or specialised transport
On foot
Poorly accessible, 12 kms along winter road, from 8 km marker on Storozhevsk-Nivsher Highway
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Camp (prison) burial ground
Deportees’ graveyard
Current use
Cultural and/or educational purposes
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Схема захороненений спецпоселка Шудог. 2002. Источник: Архив Фонда «Покаяние» (г.Сыктывкар)
Схема захороненений спецпоселка Шудог. 2002. Источник: Архив Фонда «Покаяние» (г.Сыктывкар)

The Shudog labour settlement for dekulakized peasant families came into being in 1931. It became a division of Lokchimlag during that camp system’s existence, 1937-1940. Subsequently, the empty barracks were used to accommodate deportees of various nationalities in the 1940s. The graveyard was in an open site, on the high bank of the river. The numbers of men, women and children buried there has not been established, only a few names of male prisoners from Lokchimlag who died in Shudog are known. In 1974, the settlement was no longer registered.

In July 2002, the graveyard was studied by an expedition from the Kortkeross Centre for Children’s Extracurricular Education (director A.A. Smilingis) and a plan of the burials was drawn up. On 26 July 2002, the expedition members erected a commemorative cross there.

Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
subsidence over burials, distributed in small groups
not established
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Kortkeross municipal district administration
Sources and bibliography

[ Original texts & hyperlinks ]

Kortkeross Centre for Schoolchildren’s Extracurricular Education (2001, 2002, 2006, 2008 local history expeditions) – Pokayanie Foundation Archive (Syktyvkar)

“Shudog settlement. Forced settlers and Lokchimlag prisoners’ graveyard”, Virtual Museum of the Gulag [retrieved, 26 May 2022; no longer accessible]
