Vylyu rail station (c)* Pechorlag & deportees | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Vylyu rail station (c)* Pechorlag & deportees



Date of burial
early 1940s to 1954
Show Map
Komi Republic, Pechora municipal district, Vylyu rail loop
Access in a populated area
On foot
500 metres from the Vylyu rail loop
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Camp (prison) burial ground
Deportees’ graveyard
Current use
Ceremonial events
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Схема подразделений Печоржелдорлага в районе ж.д. ст. Вылью. Составлена Б.Б.Ивановым в 2005
Схема подразделений Печоржелдорлага в районе ж.д. ст. Вылью. Составлена Б.Б.Ивановым в 2005

From the early 1940s prisoners of the construction brigade were buried in the infirmary cemetery of Pechorzheldorlag near the Vylyu rail station. Later, from the mid-1940s, prisoners and forced settlers (mainly from Ukraine) were buried there: they worked for the camp’s Central Sewing Combine which closed down in 1954. The dead were buried in common and individual graves with posts bearing their official numbers. The total number buried there is unknown, there are no lists of names.

In July 2005 an exploratory group of the Pechora Memorial society, led by B.B. Ivanov, studied the territory of the cemetery. Not far from the railroad (at the 8th 1877 km mark) the expedition members erected a memorial cross. The inscription reads, “To those tormented in captivity. Pechorlag, 1940s-1950s”.

(The map of Pechorzheldorlag in the 1940s shows: [1] commemorative cross; [2] the central sewing combine; [3] burials next to [4] the infirmary centre; [5] bakery; and [6] construction brigade, in relation to the Vylyu rail station and the Vylyu river. Drawn by B.B. Ivanov in 2005.)

DateNature of ceremoniesOrganiser or responsible personParticipantsFrequency
Commemorative Services
From time to time
Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
15 burial pits discovered in 2005
not determined
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Pechora municipal district
Sources and bibliography

[ original texts and hyperlinks ]

Archive of the Pokayanie museum (Pechora)

Reply from the Komi Republic Ministry of Culture (No 06-17-1230 of 30 April 2014) to a formal enquiry by RIC Memorial (St Petersburg)
