Prisoners of Sevzheldorlag building the logging road and the railway between the Kozhva and Izyayu settlements were buried in this area. The total number buried there is unknown. Local inhabitant S.G. Filippov showed where the burials were made.
In 2001 the burial ground was investigated by the Stalker exploratory group from the Youth club in Kozhva. They drew up a plan of the area. The burials have partially survived. A sand quarry abuts the area closely on one side. Three graves were found on the hill; the others are below. Next to them is a boulder on which the year “1940” has been etched. In 2004 an Orthodox cross was erected and consecrated at the site. The attached plaque reads, “In memory of those who died in the Gulag. 1930s-1950s”.
State of burials | Area | Boundaries |
Subsidence over area of burials
about 1,000 sq m
not delineated
[ Original texts & hyperlinks ]
Archive of the “Stalker” exploratory association, Kozhva
T.G. Afanasyeva, “A debt repaid”, Pechorskoe vremya, 16 July 2004
“Burial ground of Sevzheldorlag prisoners near Kozhva settlement”, The Virtual Museum of the Gulag [retrieved, 26 May 2022; not accessible]
Reply from Pechora urban district administration (No 01-14-6229 of 7 July 2014) to a formal enquiry by RIC Memorial (St Petersburg)