Seimchan outpost, prisoners burials | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Seimchan outpost, prisoners burials



Date of burial
Show Map
Magadan Region, Srednekansky district, Seimchan settlement
Access outside a populated area
Private or specialised transport
On foot
3 kms along the highway to the Lazo mine.
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Camp (prison) burial ground
Current use
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Фотография 2011 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал»
Фотография 2011 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал»

The prisoners at the Seimchan camp outpost worked for the southwest mining department of Sevvostlag (Dalstroi) in the 1940s and 1950s, mining gold and cobalt. Those who died were buried along the road to the Lazo mine. The numbers buried there have not been established.

In the 1980s there were still posts bearing numbers. Subsequently the burial ground was destroyed and the area was used for industrial construction. In 2009 P.I. Malushko, a resident of Seimchan, erected a memorial by the roadside. It bears the words: “This stone was put here in memory of all those who suffered unjustly during the years of Stalinist repression.”

Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
have not survived
not established
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Srednekansky district administration
Sources and bibliography

[ Original texts & hyperlinks ]

Materials of the Kolyma expedition (2011) – archive of the Memorial Research & Information Centre (St Petersburg)

“Burial ground of Seimchan outpost prisoners, Dalstroi”, Virtual Museum of the Gulag [retrieved, 28 May 2022; no longer accessible]
