Karpinsk (c) Bogoslovlag burials | Russia's Necropolis of Terror and the Gulag

Karpinsk (c) Bogoslovlag burials



Date of burial
Show Map
Sverdlovsk Region, Karpinsk, Komsomol park
Access in a populated area
Public transport
On foot
Visiting Hours or Restrictions
Type of burial
Camp (prison) burial ground
Current use
Ceremonial events
Presence of memorials, etc.
Protected status
Not protected
Фотография 2008 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал»
Фотография 2008 года. Источник: Архив НИЦ «Мемориал»

The Bogoslovlag burial ground adjoins the town cemetery in Karpinsk. Prisoners and German forced labourers, mining coal at the Bogoslovsk open-cast mine were buried here in 1941-1944. Oral witnesses testify that the bodies were buried in wooden boxes; during summer they were buried in a deep trench, one on top of the other; in winter months, in a single layer. No signs were placed on the graves. The total number buried here is unknown; name lists are not available.

In the 1970s, the cemetery was destroyed, and the camp and civilian burials were replaced by the Komsomol Park. Dozens of graves of the old town cemetery have survived in the northwest corner of the park, as well as a section of the camp cemetery displaying the characteristic subsidence of mass graves.

In the early 1990s, the German Vozrozhdenie Society erected a monument on the section of camp burials. It bears a wreath of barbed wire and an inscription: “May we always remember those who died behind the barbed wire”. The plaque and the wreath disappeared in 2007.

DateNature of ceremoniesOrganiser or responsible personParticipantsFrequency
Commemorative Services
From time to time
Nature of area requiring preservation
State of burialsAreaBoundaries
subsidence indicates location of mass graves
area of camp burials, about 3,000 sq m
not delineated
Administrative responsibility and ownership, informal responsibility for the site
On land under the control of the Karpinsk town district administration
Sources and bibliography

[ Original texts & hyperlinks ]

Materials of an expedition to the Sverdlovsk Region (2008) – Memorial RIC Archive (St Petersburg)

N. Paegle, Behind the barbed wire in the Urals, Yekaterinburg, 2008
